
Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Blueberry Pie

This is one of my favorite blocks in this quilt along.  I couldn't decide whether to put a print in that center star or leave it white.  I ended up choosing white.  You may choose to have a print for the inside star.  You can also have the same print in the center which would really form a nice star.  Below are a couple of options so you can see the difference.


Cutting Instructions:
  • Cut 1 print square measuring 4 1/2" square for the center patch
  • Cut 8 print (red) rectangles measuring 2 1/2" x 4 1/2"
  • Cut 4 white/background squares measuring 2 7/8" square
  • Cut 20 white/background squares measuring 2 1/2" square (if you choose to have your center star be a print then cut 8 prints squares and 12 white/background squares)
  • Cut 4 print (yellow) squares measuring 2 7/8" square
  • Cut 4 print (yellow) squares measuring 2 1/2" square

 Sew half-square triangles using the four white/background and four print (yellow) 2 7/8" squares.  You know the drill.  Draw a diagonal line on the back of the white square.  With right sides together, sew 1/4" away along each side of the drawn line. Chain stitch the units.   Cut along the drawn line.  Press open with seams towards the print .
 Trim of the dog ears and true up to 2 1/2" if you need to.  There should not be much to trim.
 Piece the corner units first.  Lay out the corner pattern - 2 half-square triangles, one white/background 2 1/2" square and one print (yellow) 2 1/2" square.  Sew the white/background square to one of the half-square triangles.  Sew the other half-square triangle to the yellow square.  Press the seams towards the squares. Watch to maintain corner block pattern ( I had to unpick my first square).
Next sew those two units together.  Press seam towards the print square.  Make 3 more corner squares.  Set aside.

Next is the little "V" section block.  Draw a diagonal line on the remaining 2 1/2" squares. You may choose to use a tape guide instead if you would like - just make sure you are accurate.   Select two 2 1/2' x 4 1/2" rectangles.  Place one of the white/background squares at the top of each rectangle, with the drawn lines forming a "V".   Or make sure you stitch them in that direction.
 Stitch directly on the drawn lines or down the center of the white square.  Trim 1/4" away from the line, forming a seam.   Press the seam on one unit up and the seam on the other unit down or in the opposite direction.

Repeat the same process, only place the 2 1/2" square at the base of the rectangle.  Keep the diagonal in the same direction as the top triangle.  Sew along the drawn lines. Trim. Press.  THIS is where you would use the print squares if you want your block to have a print star.

  You should have created a chevron.  As you can see the seams are pressed in the opposite directions.
 Sew two rectangles units together forming a V.  Press seam to the side. You should have a 4 1/2" finished square.  Make 3 more units.
 Almost finished.  Arrange the pieced squares and center patch in the Blueberry Pie pattern.  Sew together in rows.  As you can see, I have sewn the right side together.  Press the side row seams towards the top and bottom yellow squares (not as you see in my picture since I changed my mind when sewing the blocks together).   Press the center row seams towards the center patch.   Nestle those seams together, pin,  and sew the three rows together.  Press final seams towards the center.

Block will measures 12 1/2" square.

And there it is
Blueberry Pie
( some Razzleberry pie would be good about now)

Now for the fun

Congratulations again to Leisha!

Winner of a $10 gift certificate to Sisters & Quilters! 

Key Lime Blocks from last week...........Don't you think this pattern looks dimensional? 

Jeanenne's Key Lime Pie block.  I am still loving this fabric collection.  One of theses days I am going to be ordering a PB & J charm pack - I just know it! Beautiful work Jeanenne!
 Leisha's Key Lime.  She has mixed four different fabric collections here.   Loving the taupe and navy!  Wonderful block.  I love that cute Indigo Crossing Navy Print with the little white flower.

Ansje's fun Key Lime.  I love the black in your quilt.  In this block...the center pops.  Wonderful block Ansje!

Ansje - this just makes me smile.  You made my day.  What a beautiful and cheerful quilt this is going to be. So fun!     I can't wait to see it finished.  Thanks so much for the picture.  

Thanks so much ladies for the pictures.  Anyone else out there in the sky/cloud whatever :) Send us your pictures.  Send them to

Happy Sewing!

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